Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Official release date for Battlefield 3 Beta?

I remember EA announcing there being a Battlefield 3 open beta sometime in September. Just want to know if there has been a date set for the beta?Official release date for Battlefield 3 Beta?
EA hasn't announced a date yet! :) It will be sometime in September thats all we know!
No date set. So many idiots, so little time. EA and DICE initially planned to release the Beta on Sept. 11th. We have known for at least two months that that date was changed to "sometime in September." Some people (i.e. speculative bloggers and forum posters) think that DICE will release the beta right around the 25th of September, right after a games show in somewhere or other.

Gamm4 the EA Germany Community Manager released the beta date as a math equation:

If A is the amount of days in September and B of the commencement date of the beta, and C the day of the Announcement, then it is correct as follows:
C is less than or equal B, b and c are smaller than 30, A is 30, the sorting is c, b, a, a maximum value a, b, c is 90, minimum 3

The Answer is:

the maximum and minimum values don't tell you anything assuming they are totals
the announcement will be before the release....no s**t
the announcement and release will be on or before the 29thOfficial release date for Battlefield 3 Beta?
they have said there is a date, all we know is that it will be sometime in this month (September)

there are guesses that it will fall on a Tuesday or Thursday, but nothing is for sure at this point.

the only thing to remember is that people in the closed beta, like myself have not gotten any info yet and we get it 2 days BEFORE the open beta.

some people are guessing the 9th or the 11th, i doubt they will open it on the 11th since MoH backed down on naming OpFor the "Taliban", but who knows.

Bottom Line: Closed beta people will start 48 hours before the open beta, my guess is that they will give people sometime to download it as well. they MIGHT and strongly urge the MIGHT, release the beta date ether this week or next week,

all everyone knows (but people who @ EA/ EA DICE) is that it is sometime this month, other than the 1st and the 2nd =POfficial release date for Battlefield 3 Beta?
great answer gundam =D

i have also looked quite thoroughly into this and all sources declare it`s gonna be either on the 9th(7th for MoH and pre-orders through origin) or the 11th/9th. anyone signed up to the battlefield newsletter should get the info instantly on release =D

the one thing i do find disappointing is the idea that it will only last a week/9 days, as i was looking forward to playing it like hell

hope it helped in any way
it's the 6th, no it's the 9th, no it's the 11th, no it's when dice releases it. some of you might be right, but for the most part you are all talking out of' your asses. no one knows for sure, i doubt it will be the 11th because it would be a huge disrespect to the usa, but who knows.... HOW ABOUT WE JUST WAIT AND SEE HUH??
The beta release date was confirmed as September 11, 2011 by DIce/EA.

Yes, on 9/11 we get to crash jets into buildings!!!!
I think they may release it on Sep 11 but those who bought Med of Hon. and people who ordered from Origin. Will get to play it on Sep 9. It kind of make sense they want to release on the day of the 10th year universary of Sep 11 the day that shape this country for ever. And I assume this will change the way we play games as well. It's just a thought. :0 D
it's 11th of September for all platforms and it's free to everyone

and it's 9th of September for the people who pre-ordered Medal of Honour last year

beta will last for a week
I think its Sept. 11 according to this source. Its EA approved.
i also heard september 6th so Moh or preordered people can get it on 4th
yes the date idea sep 9 but if u have moh ltd u will get it the 6 of sep

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