Tuesday, January 31, 2012

How do i make a Battlefield 3 Beta squad for ps3 that my friends can join in the game?

i really need to know how to do this, please help!How do i make a Battlefield 3 Beta squad for ps3 that my friends can join in the game?
At the screen where it says invite friends press that and choose the friends you want to invite. Or you can press start at the "Find Game" screen and press square on their names. Once they are with you the friends list in the Battlefield 3 menu will turn green or when you press invite friends it's green.

That's how I did it. By the way, only 4 per squad and 12 per team.How do i make a Battlefield 3 Beta squad for ps3 that my friends can join in the game?
I don't think you can do that yet. You have to wait until the full game comes out which is the 25th of this month. It just a test to see if the multiplayer works proficiently with the guns and classes they provide. They didn't even open up the vehicles yet. But its a beta that is to be expected. So just play your heart out for now and give feedback to DICE.How do i make a Battlefield 3 Beta squad for ps3 that my friends can join in the game?
i think it is difficult... many people facing the same problem

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